Friday, 14 June 2013

BIZARRE PHOTOS: Band together! Photographer invites musician friends to create bizarre distorted portraits using rubber bands

Elastic fantastic: Amanda Machon of band Red Light Cameras tries a smile after distorting her face with rubber bands for photographer Wes Naman's new collection

These are the weird yet wonderful portraits created by artist Wes Naman with the help of the simple rubber band.
The photographer came up with the idea for the collection of warped faces after his series of pictures called Scotch Tape became an internet sensation last year.
The 38-year-old artist, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, invited subjects to wrap the bands around themselves because let's face it, pinging elastic can hurt.
Some took the task to greater extremes - distorting their features into all manner of freaky faces.
Naman decided to ask local musicians in Albuquerque to take part in the project to bring their bands publicity from his shoot.
Elastic fantastic: Amanda Machon of band Red Light Cameras tries a smile after distorting her face with rubber bands for photographer Wes Naman's new collection
Elastic fantastic: Amanda Machon of band Red Light Cameras tries a smile after distorting her face with rubber bands for photographer Wes Naman's new collection

No pain, no gain: Julian Martinez, from the band Of God And Science, looks pleased with his portrait
No pain, no gain: Julian Martinez, from the band Of God And Science, looks pleased with his portrait

Snappy: Singer Griff Lamar took part in the New Mexico photographer's latest project after the last series Scotch Tape went viral
Snappy: Singer Griff Lamar took part in the New Mexico photographer's latest project after the last series Scotch Tape went viral


In a bind: The photographer asked each subject, like Bigawatt's Marisa Demarco, to apply their own rather painful rubber bands
In a bind: The photographer asked each subject, like Bigawatt's Marisa Demarco, to apply their own rather painful rubber bands

Hair-raising: An almost symmetrical rubber band portrait was done by Amy Keyohara of band So Say We All
Hair-raising: An almost symmetrical rubber band portrait was done by Amy Keyohara of band So Say We All

Blurred vision: Musician John Haas from band Half Ghost incorporated his glasses and beanie hat into the look
Blurred vision: Musician John Haas from band Half Ghost incorporated his glasses and beanie hat into the look

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