World Class

Anglican Diocese of Asaba today Sunday 14th day of
July, 2013 witnessed yet another Trinity Ordination of Priests and Deacons. The
Ordination Service which was conducted by the Bishop of Asaba, Rt. Rev. J.N
Mogekwu at St. John’s Anglican Church, Anwai Road, Asaba saw the ordination of four
(4) Priest namely: Rev. Joseph Onyisi Iloba, Rev. Nneoma Chuks Ijezie, Rev. Victor
O.N. Okolo and Rev. Paul Ukamaka Ndabai and eleven (11) Deacons Namely: Ordinand
Ngozi Rowland Amafonye, Ordinand Isaac Tarnaha, Ordinand Amos Emordi, Ordinand
Ebie Lucky Elue, Ordinand Mordi Japhet Chukwujioke, Ordinand Ikechukwu Samson
Ijie, Ordinand Chika Benjamin Nwoka, Ordinand Kenneth Ogochukwuka Anyira,
Ordinand Leslie .S. Ogbewe, Ordinand Albert Chukwuka Aonna and Ordinand Bebor
Sunday. The Ordinands who have been on a
week long retreat as part of the ordination preparation has finally emerged
today as they were fully ordained by the Bishop of Anglican Diocese of Asaba in
the glare of all who were present at the service.
The occasion which started by 10am in the morning with processions
had in attendance many dignitaries both in Asaba Diocese and its surroundings,
among them are: the Bishop of Asaba Diocese who was the Celebrant and his wife
Mrs Theresa Mogekwu (Mama Asaba), Invited Bishops, Mrs. Nwosu Wife of Pioneer
Bishop of Asaba Diocese Late Rt. Rev. Nwosu, Diocesan Legal Secretaries,
Registrar, Depute Chancellor, Chancellor Ven. Ephraim Ume who was the guest preacher,
all priests in the Diocese and their wives, invited priests, Lay readers,
Knights and Ladies, laities and invited guests.
Ven. Ephraim Umeh while preaching the sermon which was taken
from the book of Mark 3:13 enjoined the newly Ordained Priests and Deacons to remember
that they are in a mission with God, that God did not call them because of
their abilities but because God wants to use them, “God Chose you not on the
bases of your ability but because He wants to use you, He chose you so that His
name will be glorified, He didn’t choose you for your satisfactions but that
His name alone will be made known among His people”. He also warned them not to
see the service of God as pleasant as it may have been presented by some people
but that they should always bear in mind that it’s a bitter sweet affair. “Whether
good or bad you must keep the good work going” he said.
Still on the sermon which has its Theme as “You Are A
Missionary With God” Ven. Umeh urged the Newly Ordained Priests and Deacons to toe
the parts of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist who devoted all their times and
energy to the service in which they were called and never bothered about the
material things. “They were selfless, genuine, unbiased, uncompromising even in
the faces of daring challenges, consistence and productive in their service to
God”. He also warned them to avoid fame, finance and female as these are the
most destroying weapon of the enemy the Devil which he uses to rubbish Men of
God and also desist from teaching the popular message of prosperity rather they
should teach the raw message of salvation and redemption. He also implored them
to imbibe the attitude of Christ who though he is the Son of the Most High, was
at all times humble to the core, doing the work of his Father without fear.
The preacher who was so
emphatic in his sermon pointed it out to the New Priests and Deacons that they
have three master to whom they are answerable to; The people they serve, The
Bishop and God and that if they do the bids of the people they will receive blessing
of the people, if they do the words of the Bishop they will receive his
blessings and so also is God but he advice them to preach the word of God for
His blessings are better than that of men. He urged them to always be faithful,
Available and teachable and not count
their success on the amount of material things they were able to acquire rather
they should based it on the number of souls they were able to win to Christ as
that is God’s yardstick for ministerial success and not the other way round. He
also pleaded with people not to expect much from their priests rather they
should accord him all the support needed to climb the success ladder in his
In his word, the Bishop Rt. Rev J.N. Mogekwu while fielding
questions from EEHB team urged the newly ordained priests and deacon to
remember that their call to the service of God is not a child’s play rather it’s
a serious business where all they have is needed to be used in other to achieve
the aim by which they are called. On how they will help in promoting evangelism
in the Diocese, the Bishop said they will use the power of God in them to do
exploit for God by keying into the strategic programmes of the Diocese and
utilizing the anointing of God in them, for God has deposited it in them so
that they will use it to bring people unto him which is the essence of their
The Bishop, on what he thinks about the agreement the federal
government had with the Boko Haram sect, said he doesn’t think if there is any
agreement at all since the group are still faceless, unidentifiable, “how can
it be an agreement between them and the government whereas they are still
unknown? Who are they? Nobody knows”. He said that until the identity of these
sect is known there could be no reasonable agreement or better solution to
that. He thereby urge the government and those in authority to never relent in
their effort in fishing out those behind the mask called Boko Haram because
their evil deeds have left our country in a sorry state. “These men are not far
fetched, they are sons and daughters of this country and can be checkmated if
enough, I mean good enough measures are taken” he said feeling so bitter.
While commissioning the clergy wives the Bishop urged them to
be supportive to their husbands and strive to lead exemplary lives both in the
church and in the society taking in cognizance the responsibility their post
commend and also try at all times to be humble to both the elderly and young
women of which they lead in their churches.
The service came to an end at about 3:10pm with recessions and
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